My Story

Kelley in scrubs.jpg

About Me:

I’ve been there. The idea for Fertility Village spawned from my own personal struggles with infertility.  After 4 years of trying to conceive, two rounds of intra uterine inseminations (IUI), and two rounds of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), my husband and I conceived our little miracle.  I remember talking with my sister after our first egg retrieval about how overwhelmed I would have been if I didn’t have a nursing background.  The whole process is so foreign--even for a nurse practitioner like myself!  I was surprised that several of the medications needed to be mixed and were not prefilled syringes.  After my IVF cycles, I had several friends and family members reach out to me asking for advice and help with their infertility treatments. Some even shared stories of spending hours in the bathroom every night staring at the syringe in panic of the task ahead of injecting themselves.  I realized then that there was a need for assistance with fertility medications.

About Fertility Village:

Fertility medications and treatments are a heavy investment.  Let us protect your investment by trusting in us to ensure your medications are administered correctly by one of our Registered Nurses.  Once you complete the online form and have a phone consultation to review your treatment plan, we will assign a nurse to come to your home to prepare and administer the medications prescribed your doctor.  The medications will be given around the same time every day. 


We are currently servicing the greater Huntsville/ Madison, AL area with the plans to expand throughout North Alabama, including Birmingham.  If you are located elsewhere, please submit an inquiry, and we will contact you to see if there is a way we may help.  At Fertility Village, our hope is to assist with your fertility medications and provide you with the support system you need during your treatments.  They say, “it takes a village” to raise a child, but for the 1 in 8 couples, it often takes a village to conceive one.   Let us be part of your village!